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About our Grips
Sculpted Designs
Plain and Stag Design Grips
1911 Gun Grips
Guns and Grips
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Availability Chart
These are pictures sent to us from our customers.
Look them over to see what our grips look like on various types of guns. .
Grips owned by Paul Jones
Natural Stag owned by Dexter Drake
Natural Stag owned by Fred Woods
White Stag owned by Jim Taylor
Antiqued Stag owned by Jim Johnson
Natural Stag owned by Mark Tercsak
JM Stag owned by Samuel McPherson
White Stag owned by Robert Gandrup
White Stag all owned by Jack Stewart
White Stag
Antiqued Stag
Plain grips owned by Michael Laurine
Plain grips owned by Mike Berk
Williams Eagle owned by Neil Hall
Pulp ivory owned by Patrick Scott
Plain owned by Phil Conlen
Plain owned by Silvercreek Slim
Mexican Eagle owned by Wolf Niederastroth
Plain grips owned by J.P. Lloyd